a great shame
It looks like you really put in alot of time, and effort into making this, with alot of ideas which on paper must have been brilliant.
I dont think that it was as good as the first one, and to tell the truth, I really dont know why, I guess its because of the difficulty, and the physics werent consistant, levels around 9, werent as hard as around 25, meaning the learning curve was a killer for most which wasnt helped bvy when you copied the walkthrough, it doesnt always copy the results
People complained that the first one was too easy, and now it seems its gone the over way, I didnt even get through to level 30. I suggest leaving out some of the new idols, some of em really pissed me off (mainly the 'sledge hammer' looking one) and the floating bricks were just irritating
In my opinion you should have kept to basics, as people loved the first one but whined about how easy it was early on, now people just hate it
Nice amount of levels, but too complicated no one will see it to the end, hope this review helps, I also like how you responed to reviews